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Sustainable management

Social contributions

is a leader in charitable contributions and creation of local jobs, and has created a cooperative corporate-academic network to help foster talent for the future

views social issues from a long-term perspective, planning and carrying out practical social contribution activities which can contribute to the development of local society.

둥글게 모여서 손을 함께 모으고 있는 이미지

Activity areas and content

Busan-type workplace cooperation agreement

Corporate-academic cooperation

Enthusiastic launch of a global EV R&D cluster with “Busan-type cooperative workplaces”

Corporate-academic cooperation

Busan-type workplaces cooperate among contractors and subcontractors on production of EV components

Charitable activities

기업의 사회환원 솔선수범 10억 기부

Stepping forward to contribute 1 billion won to society

Corporate-academic cooperation

Cooperated on overcoming COVID-19 with a generous contribution of 300 million won

Corporate-academic cooperation

Pledged a total of 1 billion won over 3 years for the development of local society

Corporate-academic cooperation

동남권 메가블록 新산한협력

A new megablock corporate-academic cooperative in southeast Korea

Corporate-academic cooperation

Cooperative research relating to the future of the automotive industry

Corporate-academic cooperation

Activation of corporate-academic cooperation and fostering of world-leading talent